pod cache clear, pod repo update, pod update but still dont get the latest. also pod outdated command still dont show Fusuma.
ps - trying to get 1.0.4
I'm trying to install using Carthage but it fails to build, when manually trying to build I get this error:
`.../Carthage/Checkouts/Fusuma/Sources/FusumaViewController.swift:39:10: Method cannot be…
First of all, this is a great framework! Thanks a lot!
May I ask why there's a little small white space at the bottom that is not filled for the first time when I present the fusuma viewcontroller?…
Xcode 8.3.2
Target 10.3
When presenting with photo as default, the window is static and doesn't display moving feed.
If library or Movie selected and then reselect photo, moving feed is restored
I have tried changing the `modeOrder` to `CameraFirst` but it always opens Library(The behavior defined for LibraryFirst option)
First thanks for your work.
To fix compilation for Swift 2.3.
Please add a ! in the line 220 of FSCameraView.swift
let imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image.CGImage!, CGRect(x: rcy-iw*0.5,…
Is there a setting to change the aspect ratio of the camera / picker?
What I am trying to achieve is 3 finger gesture to scroll through open applications, which in terms of keys would be equivalent to `alt+tab+tab+tab...`. I can do a single alt+tab, something like: