Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Element': '[data-id=rokla-2.5t-inox]' is not a valid selector.
at View.findListItemProduct (http://localhost:3001/js/app.js:576:3…
(Related to #140)
import stainless.lang._
object AssertionFailed {
def isForall(b: Boolean): (Boolean => Boolean) => Boolean = {
(p: Boolean => Boolean) => b == forall(p)
[Mozilla ponders making telemetry opt-out, 'cos hardly anyone opted in](https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/08/24/mozilla_considers_move_to_opt_out_telemetry_for_firefox/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flags…
The following code comes almost straight from the "Symbolic Input-Output Examples" subsection of the "Pure Scala" section of the documentation (the original code is missing the type parameter for List…
I noticed you're section about provided binaries: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/
https://www.conan.io/ would work in your favor as prebuilding is hard and getting…
i mantain these softwares
you can copy&paste the inox profile
>for inox beta replace inox with bnox
Ungoogled-Chromium replaces the default search from google to duckduckgo presumably to serve its privacy-consious users. That's only a marginal improvement from a privacy standpoint. DDG is yet anot…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Segundo mensagens de Mike Howard e HLB na lista de discussão do Garoa (hackerspacesp@googlegroups.com) nossa pia da cozinha está com o tampo rachado e precisa ser trocada por uma pia nova.
I'm trying to clarify something about quantifiers, and the fact that we consider them as Boolean's. We are considering an "impredicative" forall quantifier, where when we create a Boolean `x` that is …
I just tested xBrowserSync on Chrome and what a fantastic service you've here! Congratulations and thank you!
I'd like to be able to use xBrowserSync on firefox. Is there any ETA? Are you…
qazip updated
6 years ago