Lua is a script language designed to be embedded in another program. In our case, Lua is embedded as the automation engine for aegisub (see `libaegisub/lua`). So lua is small, easy integration with ot…
**Apologies for my bad discipline but this issue has morphed into a status update on my testing and to avoid confusion, I have decided to rename it accordingly.**
Now that some developers…
When using `msbuild` with a Release configuration on Mono, and attempting to call any KeraLua functions, the following exception is thrown:
System.DllNotFoundException: lua53 assembly: type: m…
"luaexe": "${workspaceRoot}\\server\\bin\\lua-language-server.exe",
"luadll": "${workspaceRoot}\\server\\bin\\lua54.dll",
然后目录里多出来一堆 Windows 平台用的 .dll 和 .exe 文件,不知道是不是 sumneko.lua VSCode 插件更新造成的?谢谢。
mellon@collie:lua-language-server $ ls -l /Users/mellon/.vscode/extensions/sumneko.lua-0.9.9/server/bin/
total 666…
kidlj updated
5 years ago
之前在社区提过 #666 #762 两个issue,结合近期压测表现,最终得出原因就是lua53 的GC模式加剧了这种情况,情况大致是:lua53还没来得及GC垃圾内存,新的内存分配需求又陆续有来,结果导致jemalloc切割且冗余的内存在长期来看浪费率极高(假设skynet GC后实际占用内存为m,而GC前包含了垃圾内存可到达2 * m,而最终大概经过一天压测,jemalloc抢占内存可以高达…