I've tried to run below script at my Sipeed MAix Dan Dock(M1w model).
but got the following error.
This piece of code used to work before. Now all I get is:
from machine import I2C
i2c = I2C(0, freq=100000, scl=40, sda=41)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1,…
Qutix updated
5 years ago
I was trying to run the following code, but no volume attribute at all, any help?
# init audio
player = audio.Audio(path = "/sd/6.wav")
Currently MaixPy only allows underclocking:
[100, 200, 400]
It would be nice to have at least one safe overclocking option to, e.g., 500 MHz.
Currently the minimum firmware removes OpenMV andthe GUI library, which is perfect for pure NN work but the MaixPY IDE doesn't connect to it. This is probably due to OpenMV itself including the connec…
hi, I'm Bits from sipeed, we made the MAIX board, port micropython and arduino to MAIX, called MaixPy and Maixduino.
We have port basic littlevGL to both of them, and very glad to see you create this …
bitsk updated
5 years ago
The first time(s) after cold- or warmstart that gc.collect() is executed, the system prints a message "OSError:", but raises no exception. It does not matter whether the garbage collection is called m…
I am having problems running this example on Maix Go, the error is in this line
`task = kpu.load(0x300000)`
v=596458738, flag=-2096411809, arch=-1955282835, layer len=834782759, mem=-392490…
Firstly, MaixPy IDE binary file should change from 'openmvide' to `maixpyide`.
After I install Maixpy IDE , OpenMV IDE examples has gone. So I think it's necessary to change file path.