Interpolator (Combine field, dofbasis, geomap)
FE Space (global numbering, Dirichlet boundary conditions, multiphysics)
Mesh (Structured mesh, Dirichlet boundary, queries, ... GMesh.jl)
FE Operator…
## Rationale
The DiscreteNucleationInserter (phase field module nucleation) takes an input parameter called "probability" which is confusing and not in line with the literature.
This "probabil…
I've just pulled the master branch and now the code it's not compiling...
One error says:
`Error C2280 'std::unique_ptr::unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr &)': se está intentando hacer ref…
The arrival of MSH4 #280 with Gmsh 4 broke some applications downstream of meshio (e.g. nschloe/pygmsh#209, kinnala/scikit-fem#41) but also included innovation in the treatment of ‘entities’ and ‘phys…
The current case takes around 12min on Travis, for 500 iterations (steady-state simulation, see [L. Cheung's thesis](https://www5.in.tum.de/pub/Cheung2016_Thesis.pdf) [1], Figure 6.7 (page 71)). Let's…
In develop and master the multifluid test case fails in json parsing probably
I am using your ebuilds to install pyside2 and shiboken2, thanks for your effort.
When using python2 to build a package which uses pyside2 I get a reference to /usr/lib64/libpyside2-python3.6.so.5.…
I don't think we are testing libmesh PRs with PETSc 3.12 yet (?) but I have it built locally and I currently get the error below from the fem_system_ex1 invocation with command line args set to "insan…
## Question
I am wondering how to efficiently create a Xpetra::BlockedCrsMatrix, with a 2x2 block structure for instance, out of a Tpetra::CrsMatrix.
To be more prec…
Integrate this simulator in blender.