when I add a barcode to the passbook, the json contains a "barcode" key and also a "barcodes" that is an array with the barcode, why?
How to add a thumbnail to a generic pass? Do I just place it in the TemplateFolder? Please advise, thanks!
Is the PKAddPassesViewController class implemented in jPasskit? This will allow us to use such methods like - canAddPasses, which detects if Wallet app is installed on the phone before attempting to d…
iOS Version 10.2
Instagram Version 10.27
IG ++ Tweak Version Latest
Crash Report: http://tweakcrashed.com I got the crash report but it don't give any suspects to why it crashes.
To make it easier to diagnose your issue, please fill out the following:
## Summary
Running the custom app, I have the "example-ios-backend" running locally on my machine. It also has OS X Serve…
See https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/content/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/PassKit_PG/PassPersonalization.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012195-CH12-SW2
in the app store page of kiwix, the app is labeled as using Wallet. Well, I didn't link passkit.framework, but there might be code in apple's advanced operation library that checks passkit permission,…
I'm not able to see apple pay option in iPhone 6 simulator using dropin-ui as shown in [screenshots](https://github.com/braintree/braintree_ios/blob/master/Docs/no-payment-methods.png).
``` objectiv…
Lithium works fine on the sprinboard but I soon as I open any app, it goes to safe mode.
Here is crashlog:
{"bug_type":"109","os_version":"iPhone OS 9.0.2 (13A452)","timestamp":"2015-10-24 10:21:…
j0k3r updated
8 years ago
Syncing Firefox under the latest Pangu jailbreak (iOS9.3.3) causes Firefox to crash