When I've got a foreign key field, it's possible to "add" a new foreign key value. Normally with Django, it opens a new browser (target=blank).
However, with Material, it just opens a new page- …
# my env:
> python -V
> Python 3.5.2
> pip freeze
> Django==1.10rc1
> git clone git@github.com:viewflow/django-material.git
> cd django-material
> python setup.py install
> ./manage.py collectstat…
Using this plugin always leading to following error in GitLab CI:
> Liquid Exception: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII in _layouts/redirect.html
GemFile Contains:
> gem 'jekyll-redirect-from…
Hi all,
Please help:
Here is my code:
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import *
from employments.admin import EmploymentInline, Employee
from exemptions.admin import EmployerExempt…
My Form in Django Admin has widget to field but is substituted by django material. O widget is not loading.
I need in my django admin by autocomplete because my foreign key has much elements and the load page is slow. Then I try django-autocomplete-light but not working with django material.
Custom user is not working
``` bash
Failed lookup for key [username] in
# Kitreviews
The kitreviews section is a part of the website where end users can enter (multiple) reviews for a single model kit from a producer.
The current implementation is very old and broken, a…
I've tried to install django material in our project, mainly for the admin part. Templates are really good, but it seems django-material brokes some part of the form logic. When saving any model throu…
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