COLLADA loader erroneously assumes that all rigid bodies were created
through the DOM and crashes if it doesn't find corresponding DOM info
for a rigid body. This causes problems if some objects …
COLLADA loader erroneously assumes that all rigid bodies were created
through the DOM and crashes if it doesn't find corresponding DOM info
for a rigid body. This causes problems if some objects …
COLLADA loader erroneously assumes that all rigid bodies were created
through the DOM and crashes if it doesn't find corresponding DOM info
for a rigid body. This causes problems if some objects …
First of all this looks like a very useful skeletal animation engine - and I'm
looking forward to trying it when I get my head around it fully.
I'm trying to reproduce the skin example but I'm …
COLLADA loader erroneously assumes that all rigid bodies were created
through the DOM and crashes if it doesn't find corresponding DOM info
for a rigid body. This causes problems if some objects …
COLLADA loader erroneously assumes that all rigid bodies were created
through the DOM and crashes if it doesn't find corresponding DOM info
for a rigid body. This causes problems if some objects …
Tried to convert an FBX file into a JSON file with the python converter and got an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Edvinas\Documents\GitHub\three.js\utils\converters\fb…
Steps to reproduce error:
1) I got a new cut of the source code (version 0.7.1) and tried using the
fbx2skel, fbx2anim and sample_skin_fbx2skin executables on the example FBX
provided with FBX …
COLLADA loader erroneously assumes that all rigid bodies were created
through the DOM and crashes if it doesn't find corresponding DOM info
for a rigid body. This causes problems if some objects …
Greetings Xoppa,
We have a small problem with a certain FBX exported from Cinema4D. We have the FBX model with an embedded texture. Converting the FBX into G3DJ parses the model successfully however …