I find when I set the params as 'max_iter=64, max_eval=10000, init_eval=100' to attack a ResNet on MNIST, it is very time-consuming. I use a batch including 200 MNIST images but the algorithm spends m…
I am facing a problem while computing predictions for adversaries after saving them to disk. I am using a **VGG16 model in PyTorch**. When foolbox generates an adversary and I try to get prediction de…
I've run into a similiar issue as #194 while trying to run example code. I am recieving a following error while creating the attack ( adversarial = attack(image, label) )
RuntimeError: Expe…
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
1 attack = foolbox.attacks.FG…
I am trying to implement gradient based attacks such as fgsm ,Bim,Jsma using foolbox. I took a look at the example in the documentation and accordingly implemented the attack on my own model. My model…
I'm not sure why this happens, but this throws an error only if the formula.tools package is loaded. I'm guessing it must be a bug in formula.tools:
I suspect I may have encountered a bug in the implementation of the Carlini-Wagner L2 attack. Consider the following code:
import numpy as np
import keras
import foolbox
from kera…
I am using ResNet50 with keras based on the example code. FGSM works fine but LBFGS is unusually slow. Even after setting maxiter = 5, it takes more than a minute to produce the adversarial exa…
I'm trying to plot a histogram and its fitted function on the same pad, with the different components of the model drawn separately in different colours. Somehow the Draw("SAME") causes the plot to "f…
I'm using `fit_generator` passing it separate generators for the training and validation sets, defined as follows:
# create generator following logic in
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions…