Når man henter sjøgrenser under bakgrunnskart får man feilmelding:
**\* HTTP TCP/IP AUT ***
Applikasjon '/skwms1/wms.sjogrenser2'
Bruker kan ikke autentiseres.
'Ticket request' TCP/IP adresse: 82.1…
emoen updated
10 years ago
We found another possible leak by means of the ProxySelector Java class. To clear this one, we had to create a new method like this one:
protected void clearDefaultProxySelector() {
I'm importing a test CSV (one record). It opens the CSV fine, shows me all of the fields, which i assign to entry fields, and the import seems to succeed (green dot after import), but no new entries a…
Bestandsutbredelse fugler lagene mangler logo
PAH1 updated
10 years ago
Når man har zoomet seg til et område og vil sjekke om det finnes andre data i området og skrur på et annet tema, risikerer man zoome til et helt annet sted med en helt annen målestokk. Forslag: Fjern …
Biars updated
10 years ago
I've got a test case that shows an NPE with the Japanese analyzer.
It's all available in https://github.com/benson-basis/kuromoji-npe, and I explicitly grant a license to the Foundation.
If anyone w…
wanneer een gebruiker niet meer bestaat verdwijnt de naam uit de logs.
De naam moet vast blijven staan ook al bestaat de gebruiker niet meer.
Stopwords and stoptags lists for Japanese needs to be developed, tested and integrated into Lucene.
Migrated from [LUCENE-3745](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-3745) by Christian M…
Kuromoji has a segmentation mode for search that uses a heuristic to promote additional segmentation of long candidate tokens to get a decompounding effect. This heuristic has been improved. Patch i…
Many Japanese katakana words end in a long sound that is sometimes optional.
For example, パーティー and パーティ are both perfectly valid for "party". Similarly we have センター and センタ that are variants of "ce…