Following up on the intriguing visualization of bio-optical data shown at the
2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting
(https://code.google.com/p/stoqs/wiki/Update_27_February_2014) there is a need
for the …
(originally posted by @mdietze 2012-07-31 as [Redmine issue 1206](https://ebi-forecast.igb.illinois.edu/redmine/issues/1207) )
Ankur and I discussed this idea a bit at flux camp. …
For some reason my old script which was plotting correctly is not reproducing the same figure.
Here is the line of the code:
``` python
Right now our met2model functions are assuming latitude and longitude are named lat and lon, based on the format of NARR data. I think we should convert these to the CF standard names latitude and lon…
Hi, I recently came across ClearNLP and decided to give it a try.
I've used other NLP frameworks in the past and I am positively impressed by the overall quality of yours.
I've found some little bugs …
I thought the darker colors should represent deeper waters. See example:
``` splus
mapImage(topoWorld, col=oceColorsGebco, zlim=c(-8000, 0))
Again the std issue
When I call numpy.std outside pandas I get the population std where as if I call inside it gives me sample std. How can I ask pandas to allow np.std to behave as it origina…
How can we revise the protocol for merging to eliminate trivial commits? Perhaps by having the author [rebase after merging a local branch into their local master](http://spring.io/blog/2011/07/18/soc…
Dear Developers,
I use the below code to read a netcdf file and get standard deviation of hourly data for each day. Though I get the values they are not matching with the…
U of T (2 jobs: (1) ecology and (2) aquatic ecology and environmental science): Oct 23
York: Nov 1
Applicants should send (as hard copy only) a curriculum vitae, an outline of their research plans,…