Tiles are misaligned.
Looking after this issue.
POLYGON ((-57.9556274414 -34.9197189936, -57.9556274414 -34.9174668893, -57.9528…
After disabling the "use JSONP for WFS connections" optoin I was able to generate webapps with WFS layers.
I used layers from Geoserver, Mapserver and QGIS server.
In all cases the layers are vi…
After setting the permissions of a lyr i have to zoom in and out in the map that the layer permission is working. Shouldn't there be an auto refresh in the map after applying any permission setting?
I am testing downloading a shapefile from GeoNode and the metadata then opening the dataset in QGIS.
This is the layer I am testing: http://geonode.state.gov/layers/geonode%3ASyria_RefugeeSites_2016J…
For each specific function we need to document standard information:
- What formats are supported (raster / vector)
- For vector what attributes are mandatory
- For vector what attributes are optional…
Currently we have geonode mixed in with other services on kartoza4. I prefer that it is discretely installed into its own server instance. This ticket lays out the deployment plans and requirements fo…
Would be nice to have GeoNode installable via osgeo4w or via a standalone installer based on osgeo4w
In http://data.inasafe.org/ScenarioData/ there is some scenario data in there, and I think we must update it, also keep some relevant scenario and archive the other scenario that not relevant.
Make i…
I am trying to view the buildings layer:
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://geonode/layers/geonode:buildings
Django Version: 1.6.11
# Problem
InaSAFE's metadata infrastructure is not designed, its evolved. Metadata is a critical of the whole application and it needs to be reviewed, revised and re-implemented in a globally consist…