This lib says that memory leaks occurred in a ViewController, but I see that `deinit` method is called when I push this ViewController in NavigationBar and go back.
So, I guess, this lib shows …
The `verifyConditions` step fails while checking the repository url when publishing the github page repository of a user or organisation.
[3:22:50 PM] [semantic-release] › ✖ Failed step "veri…
В api для mSDK сказано -
/// All the available methods.
public static let all: PaymentMethodTypes = [.bankCard, .yandexMoney, .applePay, .sberbank]
Также, определен enum:
public enum Pa…
Qiwi https://github.com/bisq-network/payment-methods/issues/15
Payeer https://github.com/bisq-network/payment-methods/issues/14
Serve https://github.com/bisq-network/payment-methods/issues/7
### Expected behavior
### Actual behavior
I see some bots not ocnnected to chat after latest updates
!!! ERROR !!! Cannot get channel ID of channelname - waiting 90s
### Steps to rep…
import {factory, registry} from '@qiwi/cyclone'
registry.add('loop', {
initialState: 'foo',
transitions: {
'foo>bar': true,
'bar>baz': true,
'baz>foo': t…
Looks similar to issue https://github.com/qiwi/cyclone/issues/1 but uses state unique id instead of state name.
Здравствуйте. Могли бы Вы обновить Ваш проект? Например функция последних платежей уже не работает. И например добавить функцию которая мониторит новый платеж?
## Summary
- BSQ requested: 100
- BSQ address: B16kMZonmnNXrZvSqGuXVjpWWTZnSVG3xJb
## Contributions delivered
- [Payment Methods Slack](https://bisq.slack.com/messages/C89R6FQS3/)
- [Pay…