When I try to run the sample from http://sergey-tihon.github.io/Stanford.NLP.NET/StanfordCoreNLP.html,
I got the following error in **FSharp Interactive**:
``` PowerShell
--> Referenced 'E:\Temp\Stan…
- [x] Frameworks Definition
- [x] Experiment Design
- [x] Implementation
- [x] Execution & Analysis
Can you make log window in the app resizeable?
I am newbie here, and I try to add POS to Chinese via nltk. However, the output I got seems not well.
nltk.tag.pos_tag(word_tokenize(u'客户 表示 自己 有 3 辆 宝马 车 , 自己 非常 认可 宝马 的 品牌 也 非常 认可 经销店 的 服务…
Basic app:
``` scala
object Main extends App {
val proc:Processor = new CoreNLPProcessor(withDiscourse = true)
// the actual work is done here
val doc = proc.annotate("John Smith went to Chin…
From Stanford CoreNLP website:
Caseless Models
It is possible to run StanfordCoreNLP with tagger, parser, and NER models that
ignore capitalization. In order to do this, download the caseless mo…
Following the example in chapter 6, I am getting the following error shortly after running: docTermFreqs.flatMap(_.keySet).distinct().count()
It starts splitting input and executing tasks then:
From Stanford CoreNLP website:
Caseless Models
It is possible to run StanfordCoreNLP with tagger, parser, and NER models that ignore
capitalization. In order to do this, download the caseless mod…
I often run into the situation that I build a pipleine with pos tagger and
parser only to notice later that the parser also creates pos tags and that I
have everything twice then.
I believe we …
با سلام
ضمن تشکر از سازندگان مجموعه ی هضم بنده مشکلی که دارم مربوط به برچسب زن اجزای کلام یا POS Tager هست.
من این ابزار را دانلود و درمحیط اکلیپس وارد کردم. بیشتر بخش های ابزار کار می کنند. اما هر ک…