| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? | yes
| Feature request? | no
| BC Break report? | no
| RFC? | no
Coreshops getHierarchy function does not seem…
| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? | yes
| Feature request? | no
| BC Break report? | no
| RFC? | no
I have created a custom payment module in core shop and create a Type file in src/AppBundle/Form/Type folder. But I am getting this error
Fatal error: Cannot declare class AppBundle\CoreShop\For…
| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? | no
| Feature request? | yes
| BC Break report? |no
| RFC? | no
## Filter Service
![bildschirmfoto 2018-06-22…
| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? | no
| Feature request? | yes
| BC Break report? | no
| RFC? | no
Like the `registerAction` in `RegistrationCon…
| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? | no
| Feature request? | no
| BC Break report? | no
| RFC? | yes
The default coreshop routing creates ugly u…
| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? |no
| Feature request? | yes
| BC Break report? | no
| RFC? | no
This would make it easier to use indices a…
| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? | no
| Feature request? | no
| BC Break report? | no
| RFC? | no
The goal is to remove all deprecation logs cau…
| Q | A
| ---------------- | -----
| Bug report? | no
| Feature request? | no
| BC Break report? | no
| RFC? | no
## Current Payment Provider Fields
- ide…
## Feature description
There is the setProperty function in the HeadMeta Templating Helper but I'm missing a getProperty function. Would be useful to see if og:title is already filled before setting…