Dear performance package authors,
thank you for developping the performance package.
Testing function 'r2_nagelkerke' I had an issue with the outcome.
The critical code line is: r2_nagelkerke
With the publication of flexsurvcure, this seems more important than ever. For specification of relative survival models, only the baseline hazard is passed through to the likelihood function, and is …
ixxmu updated
3 years ago
ixxmu updated
3 years ago
I'm not an expert on this, but shouldn't the function `coxph` be used instead of `survreg`?
Dear Prof. Kropko, Jonathan,
Thank you very much for developing this fantastic R package to simulate survival data. I am studying the proportion hazard assumption and extended Cox regression with …
I came across [perma.cc](https://perma.cc/) today and was wondering if it could be useful for the Programming Historian to ensure its weblinks are more 'permanent.'
After chatting with @walshbr an…
hawc2 updated
3 years ago
I have been trying to run xcpEngine using version 1.2.2 for a number of patients but it seems for some reason the fcon output files are generated but are left empty.
I'm using singularity to bind …
ixxmu updated
2 years ago
Is it possible to use randomForestSRC for evaluating a special form a cox ph regression called conditional logistic regression of the form:
coxph(formula = Surv(rep(1, 200L), event) ~ group + …