I'm seeing multiple versions of the same record(s), e.g.
* https://spotlight.dlme.clir.org/library/catalog/penn_manuscript%2Frecords%2Fpenn%2Fschoenberg%2Fljs403
* https://spotlight.dlme.clir.org/…
The metadata displayed on an item page (http://staging.dlme.clir.org/library/catalog/stanford_jb757gw0658) does not visually flow (`dt` and `dd` tags). Can this be wider?
![1 degree graticule grid …
In Chrome and Firefox (not in Safari), when you select a facet, the **Per Page** options are listed outside the dropdown (http://staging.dlme.clir.org/library/catalog?f%5Blanguage%5D%5B%5D=Arabic)
Saw some MARC records showed up in the dlme metadata repo.
E.g. https://spotlight.dlme.clir.org/library/catalog/322711 - should be something like `met_322711`
Add support for locale specific stylesheets. See https://github.com/waynegraham/dlme_search/commit/94b7646ddcacc051b9829d0cac919ddbe54f3a02#diff-9599427925097c3c66f26ac1e0de5cad
Octokit::Forbidden: GET https://api.github.com/repos/waynegraham/dlme-metadata/contents
/museum/records/met_museum_records.csv: 403 - This API returns blobs up to 1 MB in size. The
requested b…
For cartographic resources (e.g. http://staging.dlme.clir.org/library/catalog/stanford_gk628xr0233) there should be a viewer embedded (e.g. https://purl.stanford.edu/gk628xr0233) to preview the datase…
The identifier used here is specifically related to single record submissions with no ID. This is not necessary in the…