I don't see any activity on here in the last year. I'm trying to use the dnsimple-python module but running into some errors from the API. Before I spend a bunch more time trying to figure out the p…
@justinmayer is [having trouble](https://twitter.com/jmayer/status/504016007057256448) with RapidSSL. @joshdata had trouble with GoDaddy, he was told he had to "re-key" his certs.
Any hiccups people …
I had a few spare cycles tonight so I thought I would spec out what it would mean to add DNS support to `pkgcloud`. _When we get ready to ramp up on this, Nodejitsu has a basic implementation of the Z…
I'm trying to update content using the following:
``` ruby
github_client.update_contents(repository_identifier, zone_path, "Zone updated", zone_sha(zone_path), zone_json(domain), branch: "master")
aeden updated
10 years ago
It would be useful to have a get list of records based on the record_type. Are you open to having a method created to handle that? Would be really nice.
If so, how would you like to move forward wi…
Simply adding a domain hosted with another registrar is not listed in the API docs — That is, without registering/transferring a domain to Dnsimple.
Just as a start, before doing a full-on redesign.
- [x] GitHub Pages https://github.com/gittip/img.shields.io/tree/gh-pages
- [x] Point DNS A record to it @olivierlacan
- [ ] Jekyll FTW (github-pages …
I ran into this problem trying to use another gem that uses fog and wanted to attempt to debug if it was that other gem or me or fog but here's what I get...
Excon::Errors::SocketError: hostname …
Currently Fog requires an email and a password to authenticate with DNSimple. However, the [DNSimple API](http://developer.dnsimple.com/domains/) allows authentication using the `X-DNSimple-Token: :` …
Reticketing from #52.