Like almost all others we could start with Trilinos. It has Python bindings so I guess it's usable in Julia too with some effort. Unfortunately nothing compiles for me but maybe some other has better …
This issue is for discussing how to make the new GC (#8699) thread-safe. A GC expert should check the arguments here. For background, see the elegant state transition diagram in [`src/gc.c`](https:/…
Still working through understanding all that is going on in the examples and came across a comment
"// todo(kabbes) this isn't thread safe" in UserListVmHandle::_notify_new_data()
Could anyone shed li…
The [Sibernetic codebase](https://github.com/openworm/Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics) is the C++ implementation of the c. elegans body. It includes an implementation of the smoothed particle hydrody…
mini-app should only launch threads that have a non-zero number of elements.
After upgrading several of our NFS fileservers to zfs on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS with kernel 3.13.0-71-generic, a combination which did fine in all testing, we are suddenly seeing hangs in…
we need to install Relion
on Hal cluster. Assistance will be much appreciated.
最後整理成一個新的github wiki頁面到[這個group的wiki](https://github.com/tw-sparrowflying/field-investigation-group/w…
hpx::get_runtime_ptr() can be called on the main thread and will return NULL if HPX is not running. This will be required for nested parallelism and interaction with a hybrid code that may or may not …
kempj updated
10 years ago
According to some benchmarks Caffe was the fastest Convolution until the recent release of cuda-convnet2
So maybe someone would like to look into the co…