### Issue description or question
Vitest have release v1 & is no longer supported by wallaby
Failed to initialize wallaby vitest.
Initialization: Wallaby is not compatible with current ve…
Trying to use these in a Gutenberg block (new WordPress editor - which is React essentially). Followed instructions on Github.
react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:9 Error: Minified React error #32…
Hello! Thank you for the nice icons.
I have switched to npm 7 and it installs peer dependencies by default. So when I updated Vue to `3.0.11` I got a conflict with `phosphor-vue`'s peer dependencie…
I assume that since the search in the Phosphor icon documentation match or more than the name of the icon itself, the information to buidd those tags should already exist somewhere.
Other than creating a local directory, is there another place to search/browse the icons?
I set the emu to start maximized but every option that i change makes the window reset itself to its default size, it would be a nice thing if the emu saved the position/size of the window.
First of all, i would like to thank you guys for such an awesome piece of art. Fantastic work on the icons. Love them. I was looking around when i saw that the last release was in 2021, which …
[link to ant](https://ant.design/components/tour)
[figma component](https://www.figma.com/file/9QYwsMasAE9EDYDZS1e37k/%F0%9F%8E%A8-UI-Kit-(Ant%2BJDN)?node-id=164589-169964&t=OY2S5mXZHTmcBPgz-4)
First of all, congrats on the new 2.0 release! This is my favorite icon library BY FAR and have used it on a ton of my projects!:)
**Describe the bug**
Not necessarily a bug, but I noticed that si…