Dear @burmajam ,
Greg Young gave us support on how to design the process manager, https://github.com/slashdotdash/commanded/issues/44 . How could I proceed to subscribe to correlation-ids ? Does ext…
I'm Sergi de Pablos, CTO at Ulabox. For the last year and a half we've been developing all our new internal apps with DDD and we would like to share with the community some of the thing we've lea…
Currently when doing `event-store:replay` it will still keep old read models around. Ideally these should be cleared.
Since read models can be stored in different drivers we should write the logic ou…
I have been studying and playing with the code for a bit and cant see a way to add multiple event handlers. Each AggregateRoot contains its own Event handlers (eg whenUserWasRenamed). Part of the spec…
We are using prooph components for our project that uses CQRS + ES and decided to use MongoDB for the Event Store. Our group also decided to use Laravel and found this package that may simplify the c…
The "CommandBus" is actually rather a kind of router/dispatcher, as it will only dispatch a command to a single handler. Also, the CommandBus is commonly used in client applications, since there is no…
Hi there!
Not sure if this is the right forum, but I don't use Disqus.
Anyway, one key thing missing from your event sourcing example is isolating effects. You can't realistically keep _all_ message…
you are mapping foreign keys to object properties which is forbidden from Doctrine point of view.
> Foreign keys have no meaning whatsoever in an object model. Foreign keys are how a relational …
The project looks pretty promising, do you have any plans on writing a **how to**?