@twood02 @cctoombs
Algorithm to generate all possible solutions
Finished the algorithm to generate all of the possible solutions to a puzzle. It works for small puzzles, but it crashes for puzzles…
@twood02 @cctoombs
Algorithm to generate all possible solutions
My algorithm that generates a clue list depends on a list of all of the possible solutions to a puzzle of a given size (see git issue…
Add `./datastructures_test` (and soon `./algorithms_test`) as post-run stage.
I see this compile error when installing HLearn-classification-
My environment is GHC 7.6.3 with HP 2013.2 on Mac OSX 10.9.
I'm very interested in this HLearn library, and thanks for your hel…
I think it would be useful to have a eqDeep function. When comparing objects it would recursively check inner objects
A possible implementation is at [codepen](http://codepen.io/anon/pen/YPWbaY?editor…
The link list exercise requires a file linked_list.rb, but a class Deque.
See [this jsbin](http://emberjs.jsbin.com/jetevigahu/1/edit).
The `source` array changes often and in large batches. We rely on array property change coalescing for this to not be a performance issue…
_From [stefan.hetzl](https://code.google.com/u/stefan.hetzl/) on November 21, 2012 18:14:52_
Using Geoff's prover9-solution of the TPTP do the following:
s_to_out < ./BOO/BOO003-2/Prover9---1109a.UN…
Hi everyone,
I am familiarizing myself with Delite by implementing some basic signal processing algorithms using OptiML, however Delite takes hours to stage and execute the following simple FIR filte…
Hi, I'm new to programming, and I chose Objective-C as my first programming language. I've been search for a while but I couldn't find any book about Data Structure and Algorithms in Objective-C. So c…