Apparently they can be fairly cheap. Will investigate!
**Who/What do you want to be featured?
Sailor Moon (Usagi Tsukino)
### What do they look like?
### Issue Description
希望增加1个功能:从相册选图后 马上进入裁剪模式 且 设定裁剪尺寸
#### Description and Steps
比如,当我需要一个正方形的图片,从相册选图后,无需手动点击裁剪按钮,而是自动进入裁剪模式 且 设定裁剪框为我需要正方形
比如,当我需要一个长方形的图片,从相册选图后,无需手动点击裁剪按钮,而是自动进入裁剪模式 且 …
Made this initial-draft for a logo for hypothesis bio, based on the Hypothesis package logo. I don't have any image editing software so I just used MS ppt for putting together the image and a DNA imag…
When the app initially starts, the refresh button is in an active state. If it's taking a while to load, you might be inclined to hit that button to see if it'll help. However, it does the polar oppos…
## Discussion
All the things in life you ever wanted to discuss.
1. Can you please expose the following swift function in your react-native so one can send sticker as data rather than a filename i…
I just used this Single-hand-Sticker in my project and I rewrote into Swift.
The problem is stickers are not shown whenever application is loaded without any error.
Here are my lines of co…
Hi all,
Thanks to all who contributed to this repository till now. Kudos to @HimangsKalita @shraddha15-creator @soumali28 @pratiksrivastava01 @gabrielsozinho @NyanCyanide @Esha-01 @lakshyaagr1105 @Kr…
## Description
Display a banner on the front-end if a logged in user tries to view their new site, but the migration hasn't started yet or is in-progress. The CTA should go to the Sites dashboard.
When you use chrome's lighthouse tool they always suggest to serve `webp` or `avid` image files.
Images are usually served with the `{% image %}` tag and we use imagemagick to crop, rotate and mani…