**Submitting author:** @celliern (Nicolas Cellier)
**Repository:** https://gitlab.com/celliern/scikit-fdiff/
**Version:** v0.6.0
**Editor:** @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman
**Reviewer:** @mrava87, @poulson
Hi all,
first of all, I would like to congratulate all the JuliaDiffEq team, it seems to me that the DifferentialEquations.jl suite is really complete and powerful.
I have performed some tests …
I am failing to use DifferentialEquations.jl (v6.14.0) in Julia 1.4.1 on Mac:
> julia> Pkg.test("DifferentialEquations")
Testing DifferentialEquations
Status `/private/var/folders/g9/yf_v1cnn…
Lagaris, Isaac E., Aristidis Likas, and Dimitrios I. Fotiadis. "Artificial neural networks for solving ordinary and partial differential equations." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9, no. 5 (1998…
Hello. Thank you for a good documentation for learning scientific Python ecosystem.
I want to add a new third-party library python-getfem++ which is the library of Finite Element Method.
> GetFEM…
**Modified by dietmarw on 2 Jul 2015 10:36 UTC**
This is a ticket discussion changing the documentation format from a binary documentation format to some sort of markup language.
The proposal is to u…
I see ART and SART algorithms that work with Microwave Tomography.
It would be great to add functions to compute the eigenvectors/eigenvalue with maximum real part, since BandedMatrices are often used to model linear elliptic partial differential equations. For now I…
### Expected behaviour
list of values, from 0.16 to 40, by 0.16
### Observed behaviour
list of values, from 0 to 40, by 0.1606426
### Running mini example
rlum scale.
The TL curves (simple ra…
I want to know how solve OpenPNM the simulation of electrical, thermal and mass conductivity? I know the above laws have their universal equations and they are diffential partial equations. Ope…