## Base Info for this issue
1. Version:v1.16.0
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System Version:iOS11 iOS8
5. Prototype(是否是真机):NO
6. Issue Type:Crash、Bug、Enhancement(希望能支持一个新需求)、Q-A…
## Base Info for this issue
1. Version:v1.17.20
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System Version:iOS 10.3.3
5. Prototype(是否是真机):YES
6. Issue Type:Q-A
## 1. How to repeat the probl…
## Base Info for this issue
1. Version:v1.13.1
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System Version:iOS11.2.6
5. Prototype(是否是真机):YES
6. Issue Type:Crash、Bug、Enhancement(希望能支持一个新需求)、Q-A
![enter image description here](http://i68.tinypic.com/ifyhoo.jpg)
## Base Info for this issue
## Base Info for this issue
1. Version:v1.13.1
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System Version:iOS10
5. Prototype(是否是真机):YES
6. Issue Type:Crash、Bug、Enhancement(希望能支持一个新需求)、Q-A
## Base Info for this issue
1. Version:pod 'CYLTabBarController', '~> 1.17.22'
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System Version:iOS12
5. Prototype(是否是真机):YES
6. Issue Type:Bug
## …
### 请填写运行环境
- [x] 设备:iPhone 6ps、iPhone 6
- [x] 系统:iOS 10.2、iOS 11.2
- [x] Xcode 版本:`10.1`
- [x] QMUI iOS 版本:`3.1.0`
### 请描述具体问题
#### 相关截图(断点的堆栈、控制台的 log)
- (void…
## Base Info for this issue
1. Version:v1.7.0
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System Version:iOS10
5. Prototype(是否是真机):YES
6. Issue Type:Crash、Bug、Enhancement(希望能支持一个新需求)、Q-A
## Base Info for this issue
iPhoneSE上图片拉伸 点击越来越长。。。
1. Version:v1.14.0
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System Version:iOS10.2.1
5. Prototype(是否是真机):YES
6. Issue Type:Crash、Bug、Enhan…
## Base Info for this issue
[self.viewController cyl_popSelectTabBarChildViewControllerAtIndex:1];
1. Version:v1.13.1
2. Language:Objective-C
4. iOS System…