some nice format like asciicast, and make it nice to display Chinese
When searching a word that exists in some note, but has a different case of some symbols, the SearchNote is doing this:
Error detected while processing function xolox#notes#search..14_internal_search…
Imagine, we had a dance-command, so that we could call: dance mainapp.pl
that way maybe we could have auto_reload for the main script
keyword: Perl-'do'-command
then mainapp.pl would be included in %I…
I am new to DocBlocks and I am trying to comment my code (rather religiously). I followed phpDoc and their documentation on how to write DocBlocks. However, I realized later that phpDoc is old (and so…
I am trying to switch to Vim and get used to it. I came across this very good collection of extensions. Especially useful for beginners like me.
Since I'm writing a lot of text the defaults for text w…
Zettt updated
13 years ago
It would be very useful to see what hides behind the various \uXXXX combinations for the learning purposes.
psyho updated
13 years ago
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#90306](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=90306) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT90306$
p5pRT updated
13 years ago