Hello there, I've tried to train on my own dataset, and I have created training image and 'train.txt' well.
But then when I tried to train I got this:
train.py[line:611] INFO: Using device cuda…
I am trying to do transfer learning. I have a pre-labeled image dataset on which `train.py` runs correctly. But if I extend that dataset by adding a new class to the existing class file and add…
Start Train
Epoch 51/300: 10%|▉ | 29/304 [00:25= zero && input_val = zero && input_val = zero && input_val = zero && input_val = zero && input_val
I'm trying to flow this tuto [https://modelzoo.co/model/yolo-tensorflow](url)
i did try 3 ways
> flow --imgdir sample_img/ --model cfg/yolov2-tiny.cfg --load bin/yolov2-tiny.weights --json
> f…
I am trying to train the tiny-yolo for the custom data set but it gives the below error. kindly help me on this issue
cfg/tiny-yolo-voc-1c.cfg parsing new_model_data/annotations
Parsing f…
I Can't get any prediction after running detector using pre trained weights in darknet.
prediction.png is created but with no labels neither the shell shows any prediction as was expected
Any help w…
./darknet detector demo cfg/coco.data cfg/yolov2.cfg yolo.weights -prefix 0
Give me error message saying like cannot load image "data/labels/126_1.png"
then showing a static image. What am I mis…
Thanks for providing such helpful project.
I have images of 2 class i extracted the images of the objects, then i created the XML annotations
the images are 68*68 and the object is around 2/3 o…
I have made my own training and testing dataset for yolo v3. But i have few questions.
1) What is the .cpp file that controls the path for labels, imgs, etc... (Need to change to my folders instead o…
hi, I want train yolov2 for 3 classes, so I used BBox-Label-Tool and convert.py to created my labels in yolo format. but BBox-Label-Tool have been developed just for 1 class.
what should I do?