Hello!I am very respected for your work.Now I am trying to achieve it to a multi-view 2D scene.Unfortunately it occurs some questions.
① in projects/configs/tracking/petr/f5_q500_800x320.py,which par…
Hello, I have the following environments:
tensorflow==1.15.0 and keras==2.3.1 and python==3.6
When I try to run the basic line:
model1 = sm.Unet('resnet34', encoder_weights='imagenet')
I g…
is there anyone have successfully load the pretrained model in code?
I have no idea about it.
I have tried :
saver1 = tf.train.import_meta_graph(pretrained_meta)
saver1.restore(sess, pretrained_c…
Thank you for releasing your code.
Can you tell me how you extracted 2D and 3D features from the video?
As in your paper, `inception_resnet-v2`, `I3D`,`C3D` and so on.
Thank you so much for sharing the code.I have some questions when I run the program. I hope you can answer them.1:In module RealsD_conv, module sampleFixNum needs to be imported, but I didn't see this…
I want to predict the class label using webcam.
so I got the frame of webcam image, then put it to model.
frame = torch.tensor(frame)
output = model(frame)
but I got t…
I used “python scripts/demo_inference.py --cfg configs/smpl/256x192_adam_lr1e-3-res34_smpl_24_3d_base_2x_mix.yaml --checkpoint pretrained_models/pretrained_w_cam.pth --indir examples/demo/ --outdir ex…
Can you tell more details about the imagenet+kinetics pretrain process? Is it to repeat the images of imagenet to form the input?
Is there the implementation of the paper ?
I want to reproduce the results of this code, but I could't download the pretrained resnet model. Can you provide another download link? Thanks a lot :)
Namespace(annotation_path='/home/nichao/data/kinetics.json', arch='resnet-34', batch_size=128, begin_epoch=1, checkpoint=5, crop_position_in_test='c', dampening=0.9, dataset='kinetics', ft_begin_index…