The current design of ADMM package funtions adopts the fluent style of programming, that is, the operations are done in a pipeline.
This can be friendly to interactive usage of model fitting functi…
the h2o.startGLMJob just says -
solver = c("ADMM",
No default being mentioned.
Thanks for sharing the pre-trained model.
I'm very interested in this work but are facing a problem when running the code.
Below is the error that occurs.
I'd really appreciate it if you could h…
ECNU Computer Vision Group - JiaqianLi
In some cases we may wish to rechunk our data prior to execution. This can help to balance between high scheduling overheads (too many tasks) and poor load balancing (too few tasks).
It appears …
My entire design matrix cannot fit in memory.
Much like `SGDRegressor.partial_fit()` in scikit-learn (see [here](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.SGDRegressor.htm…
I know it's common in ADMM (a similar Lagrangian decomposition method) to have an adaptive / dynamic penalty parameter and it would be nice to have this here as well. This could be very easy using cal…
I am having the current error when installing via R-studio on personal macbook (sorry if this is already covered somewhere else, but couldnt find it when searching):
> library("devtools")
Note that the optimization must fit into the ADMM framework. Otherwise, the run speed can be severely degraded.
Need a discussion with Michalk.