I am using @amazonpay/amazon-pay-alexa-utils in an Alexa skill built with TypeScript and receiving the error above for several d.ts files, when attempting to compile.
After switching to auth headers, the Alexa skill ([https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alexa.intent/](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alexa.intent/)) seems no longer be able to authe…
This isn't really an issue, but wanted to throw this out there.
I put together a guide on how to deploy a raspberry pi and setup a more secure Reverse Proxy for this Skill (and other) use-case.
There is something called Amazon Household that allows you to have multiple Amazon accounts have access to an Echo. When I disconnected my girlfriends phone and it was only my phone connected this who…
i already downloaded the code and set up my credentials and know im trying to activate the alexa skill but when i put my sincric credentials on the alexa app it says user not found, can any one tell m…
This Node-Red to Echo integration is great and I've been using it for many years. However, the one thing that I haven't been able to figure out is how to look in the Alexa app and see if a light (in H…
Hello can anyone do a new walk through as it looks like things have changed. Been trying for over a week now and fail at the copy and paste section after all the code has been genarated. I have sent a…
Hi Lee,
I got your class from CVult of Mac, it's great but I keep getting this error: Skill I/O is available only for speech requests to skills you have created.
When I open Hello World, I get …
I've been trying to setup an Alexa bot that talks to Azure without success. First I tried to deploy the sample project but I kept running into exceptions being thrown by the Logger.
After removing …
I followed your instructions and setup the Lambda function and linked it with the Alexa skill. I am not able to discover devices through the Alexa app. When I run the test I found here: