I saw this [post on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/hrzooh/r_montecarlo_tree_search_as_regularized_policy/) and thought this might be of interest here. [Paper](https://proce…
So as shown in the [Colab ](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1RLc2DAnQ0pRguGasg2-nSmdRbsbLNYeb?usp=sharing
)file I am having trouble installing AlphaZero in Colab's Julia environment.
I am u…
I am encountering a "no good algo found error" when running [AlphaZero.jl](https://github.com/jonathan-laurent/AlphaZero.jl) on some machines with `JULIA_NUM_THREADS > 1`:
No good algo found.
Running the following test code produced the following error. The same problem occurs with msetnx.
public void testMSet() throws RedisException {
ConnectionSpec connectionSpec = Default…
The train() function for the AlphaZero algorithm needs a loss function.
您好!论文中提到对prior probabilities in the root node添加dirichlet noise,按[AlphaGo Zero](https://deepmind.com/documents/119/agz_unformatted_nature.pdf)和[AlphaZero](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.01815.pdf)论文里的notat…
how can we make a single player game by alphazero and make our own env,not use the gym env
thanks a lot!
Current policy bindings only support for AlphaZero policy. It needs more flexible policy bindings purely implemented with foreign languages
A big difference between the training methods of MuZero and AlphaZero is: Muzero uses K consequential steps samples, and AlphaZero uses only one step samples. Muzero's paper has shown the advantage …