I'm trying to set the metricsEnabledDimensions in .properties file as follows.
metricsEnabledDimensions = Operation, ShardId
However, the KCL consumer application throws NoSuchMethodExceptio…
running install
Attempting to retrieve remote jar https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=software/amazon/kinesis/amazon-kinesis-client-multilang/2.1.2/amazon-kinesis-client-multilang…
### Please confirm you have already done the following
- [X] I have searched the repository for related/existing bug reports
- [X] I have all the details the issue requires
### Please answer the fol…
Useful links:
- https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-kinesis-producer/tree/master/aws/kinesis/core
- https://blogs.aws.amazon.com/bigdata/post/Tx3ET30EGDKUUI2/Implementing-Efficient-and-Reliable-Produce…
I have an access to AWS services via new user which my customer created for me. I don't know what permission I have. I created new stream and trying to start consumer.
Got next Exception
this is the image taken today from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/aws-glue-programming-etl-connect-kinesis-home.html
as you can see the read has been copied and pasted and no documenta…
I tried to start the connector with
```export CLASSPATH=/home/kafkacon/kafka_2.11-2.1.1/libs/guava-20.0.jar:/home/kafkacon/amazon-kinesis-kafka-connecter-0.0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar
When kinesis a kinesis shard is split (eg. when scaling) it marks the parent shard as CLOSED and client writes start going to the child shards.
Benthos does not appear to be reading from CLOSED shard…
I get the below error while using this connector in MSK Connect and it just goes to Failed state. As you can see, it's able to find the connector class from the uploaded plugin jar as it lists it…
i'm using pinot 0.8.0 master branch.
Currently my producer is sending the records for 10 seconds and in the mean time the producer is idle and its throwing out the below error. same error is being…