Password Reset
Add Authentication
support period delegation related APIs in story-indexer
- Remove type from enum based structures
const commandMessage: Message.CommandLong = {
param1: param1,
param2: param2,
param3: p…
# Text Editing API and How to Use It
## Objective
Develop an API to manage dynamic text content for components, supporting flexible updates and multi-paragraph handling.
## Key Feature…
이력서 API와 동작하는 Project CURD 연산 구현
I'm making my own launcher and a system for creating accounts and authorizing.
For Mojang API re-implementations (e.g. authorizing) I can refer to [wiki.vg](https://wiki.vg), but Drasl seems to hav…
api 를 만든다
* [x] API 설계
* [ ] API 테스트 정의
* [ ] API 구현
* [ ] 게시판 API
* [ ] 게시글 API
* [ ] 댓글 API
Dalamud has been updated, and as such, Craftimizer no longer loads.
I'd love to see support for the secure files API: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/secure_files.html#download-secure-file
Thx for the great library!
Since Zotero 7, every installation of Zotero runs a local clone of the web API. In theory, a user that has Zotero installed could speed up `pyzotero` significantly with just one line of code: