**Describe the bug**
send class it's self to maximum stack size in xcode
**To Reproduce**
included via
.package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/apns.git", from: "1.0.0")
Sorry, this isn't the best bug report ever because it's literally an image that I saw in the Vapor discord that prompted me to file this. Here's the [message](https://discordapp.com/channels/431917998…
We've received reports that, starting on or around September 19, 2020, APNs servers have stopped responding to some notifications. From Pushy's perspective, this can look like a `Future` that never re…
**Describe the bug**
I'm using APNSwift to deliver push notifications.
I'm having a deadlock (or something that never fulfill the `EventLoopFuture` that is returned on the `.send` method of `APNSwi…
Is there a release or branch that still supports Vapor 3? I am not ready to migrate to Vapor 4 yet but would still like to implement push notifications using APNSwift. I attempted to use the following…
I've just been testing this out using the example from https://forums.swift.org/t/whats-new-in-vapor-4/31832, and I've been having issues having a persistent connection to the APN server.
Crashing with promise leak message
Fatal error: leaking promise created at (file: "/.build/checkouts/apnswift/Sources/APNSwift/APNSwiftConnection.swift", line: 197): file /.build/checkouts/apnswift…
Please use `Data` elements instead of the `ByteBuffer` that the NIO modules use. That's an implementation detail that should be hidden from us. `Data` is the generic 'opaque data type' that Swift de…
After add APNSwift, I try to cmd+B but I got fail. The error messages these below.
Undefined symbol: _ECDSA_SIG_free
Undefined symbol: _ECDSA_do_sign
Undefined symbol: _BIO_free
Undefined sym…
I'm sending a push based on a PassKit update. According to the docs that Apple put [here](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/PassKit_PG/Updating.html#…