textAlignment is not updating always aligns to left, How to fix this?
崩溃到第134行: self.contentTextView.attributedText = self.contentText
I've discovered a very strange bug here that I can't understand. Basically, with markymark, if there is any non-newline character after the closing parenthesis `)` for the `ImageRule` (i.e. `)C` is an…
for example
let detailLocation = gesture.location(in: contentLabel)
let storage = NSTextStorage(attributedString: contentLabel.attributedText)
let mana…
下面是 实现给文字中得 五位以上数字或者电话 添加属性以及点击链接, 属性添加成功了, 但是点击链接添加不成功, 七位以上的数字和网址是你框架中_textView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll;处理的 添加上了点击链接, 七位一下的数字点击链接添加不上, 我写的代码有什么问题, 或者怎么添加点击链接
Noticed this when I constructed my components programmatically - the label doesn't handle size changes.
Now on each size change (width change as it were) the calculations need to be redone
I wou…
Use `NSTextAttachment` inside `NSAttributedString`
extension UILabel {
func addTrailing(image: UIImage) {
let attachment = NSTextAttachment()
attachment.image = ima…
The documentation claims that the character at `end` is not included. However the code
final t = AttributedText(text: 'Some text here');
t.addAttribution(boldAttribution, const Sp…
knopp updated
2 years ago
# General description of the problem
Чаще всего дизайнеры рисуют многострочные поля ввода с `lineSpacing > 1`, но он настраивается через `NSMutableParagraphStyle` и через `attributedText`, сейчас ис…