Is there a known pathway to use effmass with quantum espresso data? If not, is there any potential for this functionality in the future?
This is not much code related but it would serve as a nice example.
I'm trying to compute the Chern number for the Haldane model using the new feature that computes the berry flux and berry phase.…
@jimustafa wrote
"Is it possible to just use the mp_grid parameter to generate the kpoints for the NNKP file and internally? Having both the mp_grid and kpoints seems redundant, but I am probably mi…
Could you please add quantum espresso support to this project?
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I am trying to learn how to use PySCF to calculate Coupled cluster band gaps.
For starters I try to reproduce the bandgap(s) of diamond published here:
These things I plan to work on for the plotting methods but probably won't get to till after the fleur workshop:
- [x] matplotlib has a similar capability to bokeh to provide a dataframe and the ke…
I have a orbcomp DOS with keys like `ORB:12,ind:3_up` and I try to plot it like:
with HDF5Reader("banddos.hdf") as h5reader:
data, attributes = h5reader.read(recipe=FleurORBCOMP)
This suggestion comes from @munrojm.
We could take inspiration from https://github.com/SMTG-UCL/sumo (shout out to @utf 😄) and add an option to color bands by their orbital composition. See this ex…
### Python version
Python 3.11.5
### Pymatgen version
### Operating system version
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
### Current behavior
Dear developers,
I know SUMO can plot projection bands with s,p, d orbitals.
How about projections according to px,py,pz ,dxy, dz2 and so on?