## 问题描述
- 错误信息
AssertionError: Couldn't find x2paddle_Split__658_0_p3 in previous layers, the layers should be make by topological sort
- 转换时用的命令行
x2paddle …
When running in xyz mode on an OAK D-Lite, the RGB image is out of focus, as it is set manually during initialization in https://github.com/geaxgx/depthai_blazepose/blob/main/BlazeposeDeptha…
Hi, I have this problem when I run your demo. The following picture shows that when I run the demo, the landmarks have a great shift from where they ought to be.
**Describe the bug**
I am converting a tflite model to onnx with tf2onnx, but it causecore dump.
The model is pose_detection.tflite, [model link](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/me…
Does this code run in windows?
If anyone sees this i would appreciate it if you answer thank you!!
大佬请问一下decodeKeypoints中 遮挡里面的id_3d[i*num_kpt_offset+3] 和 id_3d[i*num_kpt_offset+4] 对应的含义是什么呀 还有这个阈值 0.1和0.3的选取
另外,blazepose只有visibility没有置信度吗 或者需要怎么计算一下?
Please see repro project: https://github.com/expolli/pose-test/tree/main
**System information**
- Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in TensorFlow.js):…
- paddlehub https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleHub/blob/release/v2.2/modules/README_ch.md
- 新闻爬虫 https://github.com/codelucas/newspaper
- [安全知识大全](https://github.com/trimstray/the-book-of-secre…
Your current example uses `cam = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera) `
I wonder if you can help me take advantage of the IR laser projector to improve the depth readings.
I know Blazepose used …
Hi, I'm using this repository to test the pose estimation on an OAK-IOT device for the edge-programming and not host-programming. It works perfectly for one person but it can't detect other people. Is…