## What problem does this solve or what need does it fill?
increasing iOS and macOS game performance whilst saving battery live is a hard task but can be done quite easily, since macOS and iOS usua…
We have to do for heartbeats what @saniul did for `Behavior`s—register them with `Environment` and stop them when the `Environment` goes away.
Hi there, I read your article and I have to tell you that you have saved my day. Everything works ok except one thing: I want to change the video orientation to portrait and I am struggling to find th…
load this gif,then push to other controller
finally pop,you will find,the gif no display
Hi Nick,
I actually want to animate font size between two values but UIView animation does not work on UILabel font size.
Start Font Size= 20 pts
End Font Size = 100 pts
In animation it sets 100pt…
You should be able to use just a `UIViewController` and not rely on a full blown `UIApplicationMain` and `UIApplicationDelegate`
I need SFML to play along side the rest of an iOS application. For t…
Well, at least I learned about a new "Over CPU Budget" label in Instruments!
It looks like the new CA runloop observers are behaving in such a way that calling them triggers a new CATransaction com…
Hi there,
I had some code that created a movie composition and played it back in an AVPlayer/AVPlayerItem beautifully. I wanted to add some video processing, so I used GPUImageMovieComposition/GPUIma…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create a Cocos2d application that performs some GL draws
2. Call stopAnimation from applicationWillResignActive
3. Run the application and press the Home …
复现场景: 创建一个UICollectionView, 一页可显示10个cell, 每个cell中有一个UIImageView, cellForRow代理中为cell中的imageView setImage, (相同的url) gif图片大小大约在3MB左右, 相等于为不同UIImageView同时setImage 10次, 通过回调得知 cacheType为 disk, 此时内存可以飙升300M…