I am running a modified python environment [pyspark](https://spark.apache.org/docs/0.9.0/python-programming-guide.html) and I just started using elpy.
Unfortunately company completions are not worki…
Fuzzy matching with autocomplete is a very nice feature common in many IDEs. There is a module for adding flx support to company mode: https://github.com/PythonNut/company-flx but I believe this does …
I have followed the steps in the README to set up TabNine, and while it does work by itself, it does not seem to work with `lsp-mode` and `clangd`, even after typing `TabNine::sem`. I'm not sure what …
i use your package about a year and it contains all that i need.
unfortunately since some time i can't complete at point with inside the message-buffer eg on the To: Header.
if i call (ebdb…
Ref https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/13799
> ESS-Julia part has a mode called `ess-julia-mode`. It is derived from `julia-mode`. This seems from Julia. ESS-Julia support completing objects w…
It seems that updates to `lsp-mode` have changed the names of these functions. I worked around this issue by adding the following code to my `init.el`:
(defun lsp--sort-completions (completions)…
There is a new package called [orderless](https://github.com/oantolin/orderless) which implements a `completion-style` which can be used for for `company-capf` backends as well (supports initialism ma…
Associated PR: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/pull/4476
Some company backends can completely shadow other backends following them. For example, having `company-backends` as `(company-dabbre…
Try to use irony, which was compiled with visual studio as mentioned [link](https://github.com/Sarcasm/irony-mode/wiki/Setting-up-irony-mode-on-Windows) on part "Building using Visual studio".
So w…
It would be nice to have dot-completion on locals, for example. Maybe some integration with `realgud`?