I've been struggling with this for quite a while. It appears from the example I'm working with at https://wiki.hl7.org/Using_the_FHIR_Validator_to_transform_content#CCDA_to_FHIR which references…
LaboratoryResult is FHIR Observation where each LaboratoryTest is linked to Observation.hasMember but is otherwise an independent FHIR Observation.
Every RelatedResult is linked to Observation.deri…
1. When performing load testing with 10L check reportable jobs, the RDS CPU spikes to 95% (db.r5.xlarge Instance) with 30k rows in ph_messages table . On analysis we found that, there are two places i…
Die Vorgabe sieht einen Status-Code für "unbekannt" vor. In FHIR hat das Element status ein required Binding und Kardinalität 1..1 (modifying), so dass dies nicht abbildbar ist.
lhitc updated
6 years ago
Can someone explain the relationship between all these projects?
How the MDHT-Model project is connected .
I think this project mdht is a generator for the mdht-model????
I think I see this mdh…
The ASC X12 specifications are rather long and manual implementation is error prone. We will look into generating domain model for transaction sets to reduce implementation time.
One such approach …
# Prerequisites
- [x] I have searched [open](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues) and [closed](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) issues to m…
# Prerequisites
- [X] I have searched [open](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues) and [closed](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) issues …