Dear Author,
Thank you for your excellent work. Regarding Table 4, you demonstrated the results of Rein's generalization to Cityscapes (Citys) + BDD100K (BDD) + Mapillary (Map) after training on GT…
How do I run test.py with the Cityscapes dataset? I have downloaded the gtFine_trainvaltest.zip from the cityscapes site. Could you please walk through the steps?
Thanks for releasing the code! Could you release the GTA->Cityscapes pretrained model? Have you ever tested the fid of this results?
Thanks for open sourcing the code, this is great!
Could you share your json parameter file for cityscapes?
Also, I think it is is missing the file `depth_mean.npy` to be able to run it.
Can we easily modify the code to run **BalConpas** for CITYSCAPES dataset?
Is yes, Can you please list down the steps required to modify the code?
Thanks for your nice work!
How to generate the prediction files on cityscapes test set and simply zip the prediction folder and submit to the [Cityscapes submission page ](https://www.cityscapes-da…
Hello, thanks to you, I'm using the mmdetection platform well.
Learning seems to be progressing, but I'm asking because some problems have occurred.
First, I changed the Cityscapes dataset to COCO…
I tested semantic segmentation from the cityscape dataset to the Zurich dataset. The miou for the former is 73%, and Zurich is 32% without tent, but becomes 16% with tent. I was hoping you could give …
Could you please support with the following questions:
1. In the survey paper (Revisiting Multi-Task Learning in the Deep Learning Era), it is mentioned that depth maps of cityscapes were generated u…
Hi, @daijifeng001 @Orpine
Thanks for releasing this package.
I'd like to ask how can you tune this model on cityscapes dataset with sparse label for segmentation? As I know, the dataset only give a…