Downgrading to 1.5.1 it works, but 2.0 breaks it. :(
Thank you for your hard work!
I get 24 available age clocks using the availableClock() function, but README.md only mentions 16. Could you kindly provide me with all the published informatio…
the weather.com code is broken, and causes the world clocks to break as well.
- Regular interval timer
- One-off timeout
- Time spent on last page
Hi, here are some macros I use to easily create, increase and decrease the value of clocks.
## New Clock Macro
Allows you to create a new clock. The lists `folders`, `sizes` and `themes` are use…
**Describe the bug**
Low priority as it only happens twice a year.
The Octopus Agile rates correctly reflect the double 1:00 and 1:30 time slots as the clocks go back from BST to UTC:
- устранить предупреждения компилятора
- переменные лучше объявлять непосредственно перед использованием
- вместо PI нужна существующая константа M_PI
- имена констант пишутся в верхнем регистре с под…
- файл Clock.vcxproj.user следует удалить из git-репозитория за то, что он хранит локальные настройки пользователя (можно забекапить, затем удалить, добавить в gitignore, закоммитить и потом вернуть н…
thanks for bot
can you put new feature to do max stacking and claim it ? this is very powerfull to pumping profit when your reach to max level clocks accounts
- [ *] I have checked the known issues and searched Github to ensure this issue has not already been reported.
- [*] This is not a feature request, I know those belong on Discord/Github Discussions.