- [x] Android -> If yes, which Device API (and compileSdkVersion/targetSdkVersion/Build tools) version?
- [ ] Java -> If yes, which Java (and sourceCompatibility/targetCompatibility) v…
- Genie
- [GenomSys codec]
- "Fast alignment compressor" (Paolo/EPFL)
voges updated
3 years ago
Use a Python script from a earlier prototype.
There are many large build artifacts in the repo history that appear to be vestigial.
Time for a Spring clean?
On first push, GitHub warns:
remote: warning: GH001: Large files detected.
Parts from McMaster are surprisingly expensive...
Amazon steppers, lead screws, and couplers seem to be best price so far:
* https://www.amazon.com/500mm-Stainless-Trapezoidal-bearing-Printer/dp/B…
Currently, the `lino pull` command supports exporting data in JSONL format. While JSONL is a flexible and widely-used format, it may not always be suitable for all use cases. To address the needs of a…
youen updated
3 months ago
I have a website that uses EnginIO on both JS client and Java server. Permessage-deflate compression is enabled by default on the client but to get the compression working I need to I want to enable …
* Currently using basic euler integration. Need to swap to some derivative based integration.
* Pass in the vessel mass and COM into the integration code, use that to extrapolate positions for der…
An idea for a possible future feature: allow to upload compressed datasets. For instance the traditional RDF serializations compressed with gzip, xz, ..., but also something like [HDT](http://www.rdfh…
ghsnd updated
9 years ago
feign-bom.version 11.9.1
spring-boot 2.7.2
When `feign.compression.response.enabled` is set to `true` in configuration, feign adds "Accept-Encoding" header(s) when sending request. Currently, two …