但一般项目里首页都是嵌套布局,比如 CoordinatorLayout + Appbar + ViewPager ,实测Appbar如果配置 scrollFlags = "scroll|exitUntilCollapsed",会有滑动冲突问题,普通的嵌套滑动 scrollFlags="scroll" 下拉二楼也出不来
loopq updated
2 months ago
# Description
I am currently seeing this crash in production but unfortunately cannot reproduce it yet.
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of…
I have try to use CoordinatorLayout with PtrFrameLayout ,but PtrFrameLayout in CoordinatorLayout or CoordinatorLayout in PtrFrameLayout not work ,please help!!!
EasyRefreshLayout 与 CoordinatorLayout 滑动冲突 导致滑动不流畅
I put a FABProgressCircle in CoordinatorLayout, which is in a Fragment. The parent activity also sets up a TabLayout, also in a CoordinatorLayout. The FABProgressCircle is partially covered by the ph…
**Description:** When CoordinatorLayout's height is very small, for example `86dp`, and `headerHeight` in [link](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/blob/4c7be527751f1cb…
Hi there,
- WSL2-ubuntu-18.04.4
- Android Studio 3.6.2
- ADB 1.0.41
- Node 12.16.1
- NPM 6.14.4
- @ionic/cli 6.4.1
- @capacitor/cli 2.0.0
I installed capacitor-firebase-auth in…
Makes sense to add a scrolling behavior to the `BottomNavigationBar` for better visibility
Here's the link to the article: https://android.jlelse.eu/scroll-your-bottom-navigation-view-away-with-10-…