I am excited to try this out after having used Hero in the past. I spent a few minutes reading the README looking for a quick snippet to add to my Podfile, but alas, none exists. I'd recommend adding …
It gives 404 error.
Apple released Xcode 10.2 for Swift 5 support (see [here](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode_release_notes/xcode_10_2_release_notes/swift_5_release_notes_for_xcode_10_2)). Is there a plan…
Material 3.x introduces a bug where the tint color of a text field will be ignored completely, because, you are changing it based on placeholder's colors (Active/Normal) in the process. It has …
![Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at 16 03 46](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25115350/55704804-16381580-5a18-11e9-9bac-99d94f91976e.png)
As you see from the screen shot, prepare() is called twic…
Material 3.x (and Theming to be more specific), discards font's set on `Button`s in IB.
> `titleLabel?.font = Theme.font.regular(with: fontSize)`
this line will override the button's font…
✅ fastlane environment ✅
### Stack
| Key | Value |
| --------------------------- | -----------------------------…
Firstly, Thanks for the awesome library.
May I know where can I find the sample of Sticker Sheet?
I added a Localizable.strings with 3 languages into project and included it in build phase.
This is english version of it:
Created by A.V.…
Hi, I incorporated material in most of my UI components and I updated my pod to use this
`pod 'Material', :git => 'https://github.com/CosmicMind/Material.git', :commit => '4ab1b08c3365a00f409a2101…