It seems Comic Vine implemented limit for API calls per API key (200
calls/15minute). Obviously there will have to be configuration option that
will allow each user to use his own API key as we…
17:58:21.973 [error] Ranch protocol #PID (:cowboy_protocol) of listener Krihelinator.Endpoint.HTTP terminated
** (exit) an exception was raised:
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause …
I am using SRH to test locally an implementation using Upstash Redis, but I can't make it work.
A brief context: I'm running a serverless function on Supabase Edge Functions (this is working locall…
It seems Comic Vine implemented limit for API calls per API key (200
calls/15minute). Obviously there will have to be configuration option that
will allow each user to use his own API key as we…
See https://github.com/extend/cowboy/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
It seems Comic Vine implemented limit for API calls per API key (200
calls/15minute). Obviously there will have to be configuration option that
will allow each user to use his own API key as we…
**Describe the bug**
Side window stayed opened only while shortcut holding, and hiding just after shortcut release
**To Reproduce**
Assign any shortcut "Toggle side window"
**Expected behavior…
### Question
Is anybody working on a faster charging mode?
Cowboy: https://github.com/extend/cowboy
What version of WebSocket does websocket-sharp support?
websocket-sharp does work with Netty: https://github.com/netty/netty
It seems Comic Vine implemented limit for API calls per API key (200
calls/15minute). Obviously there will have to be configuration option that
will allow each user to use his own API key as we…