Currently, the primary block serialization function assumes that the same CRC type is always used (CRC16 defined by default in ION). This becomes an issue for interoperability, as when a bundle is for…
Percebi que muitos QR CODE estão sendo enviados com CRC 16 calculado invalido.
E pouquíssimos PSP's pagadores estão validando tanto o CRC16 quanto o padrão do EMV Merchant Presented Mode como um todo…
Some of the comments for the RKxx constants are wrong or are missing. Below is set of the constants along with the corrected or missing comments. Note I renamed rk1 -> rk9 to rk01 -> rk09 in the code …
erpc_arbitrated_client_init double call when ERPC_ALLOCATION_POLICY == ERPC_ALLOCATION_POLICY_STATIC
will erase the global pointer to the client even while the client and all its static resource…
Hi guys,
We used hardware CRC instruction on Intel's SSE 4.2 processors before. Now when we use crc16_t10 in ISA-L, we notice that this is a software-based CRC algorithm that costs a lot of CPU cy…
HI! I wanted to reset the energy but it does not work :( ...
if(thingspeak.readfloatfield(channel, apikey)==1){
uint16_t u16CRC = 0xFFFF; /* de…
- create simple test on crc16
- setting action and automated
### Description / Steps to reproduce the issue
I was working with a simple UART communication layer between Linux and NuttX and encountered an issue related to CRC32. When I compared the CRC implemen…
am struggling with a library - https://github.com/RobTillaart/DS18B20_INT
The library needs the "OneWire: so I adapted .arduino-ci.yml
# Choosing to run compilation tests o…
In Codis4.0 (if we have 4.0), the will be set to to make codis more compatible with the official redis.