1. When running the method ="cross validation" the test path is not exists (the test and train are combined and split in the script itself).
Is there a way to fix it?
2. In case I want to add ano…
It is possible to do cross validation with this?
My first question is if the split is random?
My second question is: Say, I have 1000 annotations in ONE json file, I would like to use the 1-800 …
To jest ponad zakres projektu, ale możemy wykorzystać mechanizm cross validation to wyboru najlepszego modelu (np w sytuacji gdy model ma wiele minimów lokalnych, to ten mechanizm wybiera najlepsze)
Hello @AlexeyAB , I trained my model but I got an overfitting problem and i want to solve it by doing cross-validation with 5 folds. can u help me please to do that?
For pipelines producing metrics as their last step and including a train-test-split, we want to get cross-validated metrics.
Does the ideepe.py implement the cross-validation to fine tune the hyperparameter?
It would be useful to allow the user to run true cross-validation out of the box in TabularPredictor.
True cross-validation would ensure that the validation data is never used for any early stoppin…
**This is a(n):**
- [X] New algorithm
- [ ] Update to an existing algorithm
- [ ] Error
- [ ] Proposal to the Repository
Cross-validation is a statistical method used …
When is necessary to use cross validation and which methods of cross validation are most prevalent in practice?
I am posting a link to a previous discussion here to keep all things pseudocode in one place.
I am closing the above issue,…