Hi Illarion,
Thanks for the beautiful code.
I have a question regarding the 'by_chanels' normalization on the CIFAR-10 test set. It seems like, when preprocessing the CIFAR-10 test set, you are…
I tried to train CoAtNet_0 with tiny image net from cs231n (200 classes). Seems the model does not converge.
Could it be that the implementation is not 100% correct? For example, the positi…
hyqya updated
2 years ago
请教大师, 深度学习通过数百万的数据学习到的是海量的特征还是具有兼容性的少量特征
不好描述, 通俗的说我想知道
比如我就学习一个字 “好”字, 这个字我有100万个不同的图片, 不相同的特征可能有几十万个(比如钩、丿、弯,用了数十万中不同笔迹),不同角度放到cnn中学习, cnn中是否需要存储这数十万的特征, 每次做特征匹配是否也需要比较数十万中特征做匹配?
I am a student from Germany currently writing my bachelor's thesis on the topic of Convolutional Neural Networks.
The course notes at http://vision.stanford.edu/teaching/cs231n/ were very…
Could you generate ePub or PDF of this docs ?
Taking below snippet as reference:
val x = Reverse(-2.0)
val y = Reverse(5.0)
val z = Reverse(-4.0)
val q = x + y
val f = q * z
This is a very basic issue:
```----> 5 from cs231n.data_utils import load_CIFAR10
6 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I'm the co-creator of HyperQuest at Stanford.
I just want to applaud you for the beautiful design. The website looks amazing. Great job!
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