### Module
- [ ] deck.gl-community/arrow-layers
- [ ] deck.gl-community/bing-maps
- [X] deck.gl-community/editable-layers
- [ ] deck.gl-community/experimental
- [ ] deck.gl-community/graph-layers
- […
It sucks. Sometimes the image grid turns into one column. That's not good, maybe make the previews smaller.
Benimle Çıkar Mısın?
Benimle Çıkar mısın?
According to the special note on the definition of 'Block Layout' in [CSS Box Model Module Level 4](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-box-4/#intro):
> "This module originally contained the CSS Level 3 spec…
1.CSS Duplication:
There are two tags. Instead of separating circle styles, you can combine them into one block for better organization and performance.
2.External Library URLs:
The Bootstrap an…
## 프로젝트 jdk 확인 확인 (프로젝트 우클릭 > Properties)
- Project Facets > Java 11 확인, Runtimes Apache Tomcat v9.0 확인
- Java Build Path > Libraries Modulepath [Java SE-11] 확인
- Java Compiler > JDK Compliance 11 확인
**Scale Version**
**Framework and version**
**Code Reproduction**
This will error out due to this issue: https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/54393
### Description and goal
Right now the established policy is to use `rem` in all CSS sizes instead of `px`. Should we continue doing that?
- `rem` values are less readable: they aren't round num…
Issue Description: I noticed an opportunity to improve the user experience in the event schedule section of the website, particularly for the three events: Workshop on AI, Programming Competition, and…
오늘의 진행 과정 개괄: GitHub Issue용 정리
1. 학습 및 실습 목표
HTML과 CSS를 활용한 웹 페이지 제작 및 배포.
GitHub Pages를 이용해 실제 배포 환경에서 작동 확인.
경로 설정, SEO, 레이아웃 구성 등 웹 개발의 기본을 실습.
2. 진행 과정
HTML 페이지 제작
기본 HTML 구조를 작성하고 시맨틱 태그…